Considering buying a business? Or, selling a business? Choosing a business broker is an important decision. We're here to help.



When is a good time to sell your business? What do buyers expect? Why use a broker? 

The economy in these last few years has completely changed the landscape of small business. It's important to plan and prepare to maximize the amount you'll be able to get for your business. So get started!

Sellers ›


If you're considering selling, you need to know about how to arrive at a fair market price. There are many myths about business valuations, so don't believe what you hear. 

Buyers, you hear stuff too. Learn about Price-Value Perception, and understand that a successful transaction is only one where the seller and buyer come to an agreeable price.

Valuations ›


You're considering buying a business, and the possibilities you see on the Internet are endless. Where to start? Are there low-cost avenues for getting into a business? What sort of cash is necessary, in exchange for what sort of ongoing cash flow? Why use a broker? These, and many other questions, answered.

Buyers ›